how it all began
Workmanship Incorporated
began over 20 years ago as a vision for creative excellence in
artistic worship and outreach.
Founded by Christina J. Wade on June 5, 2012, the vision was realized with a phone call to ten individuals who had forged a friendship during their college years. With a collective "yes," they pursued the mission of WINC with a focus on the following forms of worship: dance, step, mime, and flag/banner.
These four elements incorporated with each member's fifth element (individual strength, i.e. visual arts, finance, drama, spoken word, vocals, etc.) continue the operation of Workmanship Incorporated.
The Troupe believes that people were created with a variety of gifts which can be used collectively and individually to encourage and inspire the world.
The mission of Workmanship Incorporated is to utilize God's gift of artistic expression to share the hope and gospel of Jesus Christ with the world He loves.
We will accomplish this mission by exemplifying excellence in artistic worship, enhancing church and community fine arts groups, and encouraging its members and stakeholders to invest their time, talent, and treasure into the arts.
He is; therefore, we are.
"For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would
walk in them."
- Ephesians 2:10 -
are you ready?
If you're looking for another dance team to add to your resume, we are not it.
If you're seeking a family of creatives that expresses their love for Jesus in diverse ways, prays for each other, and finds time to laugh in between,
click here.
Membership closed in December 2021.
Stay tuned for our next open season in 2024!